Northern Rivers Floods
Back in February, the Northern Rivers region in Australia got hammered by rains and floods; it’s one of the worst flood disasters the country has faced and it’s still raining over there. The flooding submerged towns and cut off roads, food/supplies disappeared from store shelves.
(roads closed, food gone)
Catching up with our friend Dan Ross who resides in the Clarence Valley of the North Coast NSW, here are some organizations and resources that people have set up for aid to go to those who need it:
The Bundjalung Community Flood Relief by Koori Mail
They’ve raised over a million dollars which will be used for temporary accommodation, medical supplies, water, and many more necessities. Belinda Baggs and the crew at Surfers For Climate raided over $13,500 and donated it to this fundraiser.
Coraki Aboriginal Flood Recovery
Another donation alley Dan shared was the Coraki Aboriginal Flood Recovery Committee Kursty Williams organized. Her mom has taken in two families and have 19 people staying with them. They just got hit again with more rain in March.
While out trying getting a hold of supplies and some more baby formula for his daughter, Dan and his friend Hayley Talbot ran into the Lesleighter family. Jacob and Jennifer Lesleighter are emergency service first responders who’s home was flooded while out assisting and giving their all to their community. Dan put up one of his boards up for auction on his instagram and that weekend raised $1450, $1000 of which he put towards their GoFundMe and the remaining to the Mudyala Aboriginal Corporation ( and their direct support to flood affected First Nations peoples around the northern rivers region.
The road to recovery is going to be a long and moldy one.
If you want to help out this region and the families in need, consider checking out the links to their organizations and GoFundMe’s above. There are a lot of organizations out there small and big to help out.